Tuesday, October 07, 2008

When Fall Comes to New England

So, we've been here in California for four plus years. I love it here, I really do. But this year, for the first time, I'm really missing the New England autumn. The crisp, cold air that smells like nothing else; the brilliant yellows and reds of the leaves, the light in the evenings and the turning of the stars. I don't know why this year I miss it so.

In my wallowing, I've been listening to one of my favorite albums. It's a compilation of folk songs put together by Christine Lavin, entitled "When October Goes." Here's the track that brings tears. It's by Cheryl Wheeler, and called "When Fall Comes to New England."

Click here to play Streaming Audio


Anonymous said...

Maybe your good sense is finally coming back to you? ;)
This weekend is amazing -- and worth pining for. Unfortunately, what follows is harder to take.
~ asbestos

Anonymous said...

i been outside mulching those fine leaves. its pretty if you just driving by. cleaning it up is another matter. and once they get here we know cold and snow not far behind..........

roscooler said...

i been outside mulching those fine leaves. its pretty if you just driving by. cleaning it up is another matter. and once they get here we know cold and snow not far behind.........http://itwassooted.blogspot.com